

Hi. Hoi. Bye. Hey. Hello. Bonjour. Nice to meet you?
We have meet each other and we meet each other over and over again
Sometimes through someone else, sometimes because you did it yourself.
Random or planned.
Some people give you memory’s for life, others go away as fast as they came
It can go fast and end in a fight.
Do you stay? Or run away?
Do you stay? Or run away?

Yaël and Doris are staying.
Working through all kinds of greetings
Short, slow, long, faster, awkward, chill

(Greetings) is a physical performance about meeting people. From the first awkward flirt to an heated discussion. Memory’s who left deep impressions and just got away. Yaël and Doris use movements and the abstraction of the body to find each other or not.


Practical information:

This performance is specially made for ‘Jonge Harten Festival’ Groningen (The Netherlands) as part of the Route.

‘The route is a discovery journey through the city, where young artist and youth meet each other and their sight into life. The youth sees different meanings of what theatre can be in the city as décor and the young artist meet a younger public.’

Premiere: 24 November 2022, Groningen